
Cultivating patience is perhaps my biggest struggle in life. At this point in time, I wish I had double doses of it. Russell Brand, whom I follow on Instagram, had a fantastic little video today on Patience. Wow, did it hit home! I thought about it today as I worked on the painting below. Here is what he said:

“I really, really struggle with Patience. What helps me to understand its importance and its place is I just have to let go of the little idea that I should be at a certain place at a certain time, or that certain journeys should take certain times, or that certain people in my life should progress in the way I that would have them to, or business pursuits should happen at the speed that I want them to. If I am willing to let that go I can do everything within my power as guided and instructed to make things happen perhaps as quickly as possible. But then the rest of the world is going to interact with that. As Churchill said, “No plan survives human contact.” We need to be patient because otherwise what we are doing is creating an inner tension in order to effect an external situation over which we have little control. It is a form of self punishment…..We must let go of impatience because patience is a form of acceptance and acceptance is everything.”

Patience with the seasons and the weather, patience with people in my life, patience with my broken ankle, patience with my artwork.

Breathe and accept. Phew!

Fall at Home, 36” x 24”, Acrylic on Canvas

Fall at Home, 36” x 24”, Acrylic on Canvas